A man is kneeling down on the ground

Always dictate the pace in BJJ

Always dictate the pace in BJJ

Always dictate the pace in BJJ, this is something I preach almost every single class here at Savarese Jiu-Jitsu Academy (www.northnjbjj.com). Create a strong initial threat and you will own the next move almost 100% of the time. If you can put your opponent under extreme pressure with a given move, it will elicit such a focus on defense that you will have a considerable tactical advantage in any follow up move. An opponent whose entire attention is bound up defending one move will be very vulnerable to any subsequent move. It is up to you however, to develop the sensitivity to know how to keep the pressure on the first attempt but know inside that it’s unlikely to break through the opponents defense and concoct a good follow up. Attacking in combinations becomes a must the higher up the ranks you go. There are two ways you can fail with this. The first is Tunnel vision that keeps you focused only on that first move when it’s becoming clear that it won’t work. The second is not putting enough pressure on the first move so the opponent is not sufficiently distracted and can thus defend the second move as soon as you attempt it. Learning to balance these two demands is a big part of your development towards a strong offense. And if you constantly are attacking and dictating pace, forcing your opponent to constantly defend your every move, your chances of coming out on top and getting a pass, sweep or dominant position rise greatly and thus your chances of getting a submission from that dominant position increases as well. I cannot stress enough how important dictating the pace of your fight or training session is to eventual victory. Try this and watch the difference.