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Outside or inside control in BJJ?

Outside or inside control in BJJ?

The fundamental choice in Jiu- Jitsu – outside control or inside control in BJJ?: When it comes time to control the human body, the fundamental choice you will have before you is whether to control your opponents body by gripping outside/over his limbs or inside/under his limbs. They represent very different methods of control with different goals. As a general rule, inside control is best suited for opening an opponents limbs out and away from his torso, while outside control is typically best suited for pushing limbs across the center line and exposing an opponents back. But, these are generalizations with important exceptions. When it comes to open guard, probably the most well known and proven method of outside control is deLaRiva guard, named after the famous old Brazilian legend Ricardo deLaRiva, once a rival of the great Royler Gracie, where your leg entwines the opponents lead leg from the outside. There are many variations utilizing different grips. This is an excellent position from which to launch your open guard offense, or, if you prefer inside position, to transfer to guards based upon inside position, such as ashi garami, X- guard, reverse De La Riva etc. Train yourself to tie up your opponents lead leg with your de la Riva hook and get whatever grips you want from there. Then it’s time to decide whether you attack directly from there or switch to another guard. Either way, De La Riva guard will prove an invaluable means of initial control and a fine staging point from which you can direct an opponent into any kind of open guard that you favor. Our Savarese BJJ (www.njbjj.com) competition team works vs DeLaRiva guard often, as it’s commonly used in competition.