The last guy in the room

The last guy in the room

The last guy in the room.

Every school has one student who is the last guy in the room at the end of the night. Either they are drilling, still training, or writing down and reviewing notes from the nights class. The important thing to take away from the last guy in the room’s actions are as follows:

The 3 D’s; Discipline Drive and determination.

First of all, the last guy in the room displays an incredible about of discipline, they are still working hard well after the class has ended and normally exhaustion is starting to set in. Also, they are showing everyone else in the room the drive they have to improve. They are pushing themselves to where they want to be. Last of the 3D’s is Determination. The last guy in the room is the one who is most determined to be better today than they were yesterday.

Adhering to the program and setting the right example.

Most Instructors respect hard work the most. They do not care about excuses and only want to see you improve. The last guy in the room at the end of the night is doing just that, working hard and following the program set forth by their instructor. Therefore, they are setting one of the best peer examples in the academy. Too often, students rush to be off of the mats at the end of the night, and miss out on seeing this example.

Bringing up the level of the room.

Lastly, when the last guy in the room is training at the end of the night, usually they have someone with them. It is hard to train by yourself. Hence, they are improving the skills of their training partner. The person that is staying late with them is unknowingly developing the same training habits as the person who asked them to train late. By doing this, the last guy in the room has given back to their academy and improved their training partners.

In conclusion, one of the best ways to improve in BJJ is through extra training. The time you spend working when the class has ended and the instruction is over. Take this as a bit of advice. The harder you work the better you get.