A group of people sitting on the floor in a room.

Tunnel vision in BJJ

Tunnel vision in BJJ

Tunnel vision in BJJ can be harmful. One of the biggest detractors from performance improvement in grappling is tunnel vision. We all have a tendency to get fixated on one course of action and become blind to other possibilities that are right there in front of us. But as in life, if you can recognize possibility, you can ACT on it. Taking action is critical to success on and off the mats. This one important sense in which combat sports are a mental game. Every action begins as an idea/possibility in the mind. When that is absent, no physical action will be taken. Make sure in all your major attacking positions you have three or four major options that you work with on a regular basis so that you don’t become overly in love of one and fall into a one track mind. We must work both out attacks and escapes in series of combinations. Now, this may take time for you as a BJJ Practitioner to develop, but when it does, like we previously said, must be put into action. This photo is our Savarese BJJ (www.bergencountybjj.com) students doing their drills to gain muscle memory of some of the most important aspects of the foundations of BJJ.