A group of people in white uniforms posing for a picture.

Why wearing the kimono is important in jiu-jitsu

Why wearing the kimono is important in jiu-jitsu

Why wearing the kimono is important in jiu-jitsu 🥋
When you step onto the mat for jiu-jitsu practice, you’ll notice that everyone is wearing a kimono, also known as a gi. But why is this traditional garment so important? Here are just a few reasons:
1ï¸âƒ£ Tradition: Wearing a kimono is a part of the tradition of jiu-jitsu. It is a symbol of respect for the art and for the practitioners who came before you. By wearing a kimono, you are honoring the history and culture of the sport.
2ï¸âƒ£ Technique: The kimono provides a unique set of grips and controls that are not available in other types of clothing. This allows for a wider range of techniques to be practiced and executed. When you wear a kimono, you’re able to work on a variety of techniques that are specific to jiu-jitsu.
3ï¸âƒ£ Safety: The kimono provides a layer of protection for the practitioner. It can help prevent injuries such as mat burns, scrapes, and bruises. By wearing a kimono, you’re able to train safely and reduce the risk of injury.
4ï¸âƒ£ Teamwork: When everyone on the team is wearing a kimono, it creates a sense of unity and teamwork. It shows that you’re all part of the same group and working towards the same goal. By wearing a kimono, you’re showing your commitment to the team and the sport.
Also, in the beginning of your BJJ journey, the gi serves as a “cheat” for you to learn the basics principles. Someone grabs you sleeves? You shrink your arm. Someone gets a hand in your collar? You learn to get posture. etc etc. So the next time you step onto the mat for jiu-jitsu practice, remember the importance of wearing a kimono. It’s a symbol of tradition, provides a unique set of techniques, offers safety benefits, and shows your commitment to the team. 🥋ðŸ¤
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